Kompanija MediaWorks otvara pozicije

MediaWorks is an IT/media company, created by passionate people with both traditional and digital media backgrounds. Our founders have had important roles in launching print magazines, web portals, and media apps, as well as group buying portals and bringing them to leading positions in three different markets. Our full focus is on developing a digital publishing platform which gives media companies a tool to create striking digital publications in a simple, quick, and affordable way.

We are based in Belgrade - and we love our city - but were conceived as a global company from the start and that is how we try to look on the way we play, on the way we work, and on the world itself. If you are an IT/media aficionado and have above average talents in development, marketing, sales, or design, and believe it is possible to create a globally superior product and take over the world of digital publishing from Belgrade, then we would love to hear from you.

Ovom prilikom prosledili su nam konkurse za pozicije:


  • Link za prijavu nalazi se unutar oglasa.
  • U subjectu mejla naglasiti: naziv pozicije i naziv škole (ITAcademy, BusinessAcademy ili ITS).
  • Krajnji rok za prijavu je: 4.11.2015.
  • Samo kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor biće kontaktirani.


Citat dana

Znanje ima granica, dok ih neznanje nema.
Branislav Nušic

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