Kompanija EIPIX otvara poziciju

Eipix is an independent game development company founded in 2005, with over 200 employees of diverse talents, experience levels and expertise. Under our slogan – Creating worlds – we have mainly focused on developing casual games for all platforms in cooperation with our exclusive partners, Big Fish Games. Following this path we emerged as the most productive and successful developer of HOPA games, but we’re aiming for even greater heights! In order to realize our dream of becoming the global leader in electronic entertainment content creation we will need you – artists, techies, dreamers, individualists who take gaming seriously and believe that life itself is one big game: a game we play and a game that we create.

eipOvom prilikom prosledili su nam konkurs za poziciju:


  • Svoj CV pošaljite na: hr@eipix.com.
  • Krajnji rok za prijavu je: 15.10.2016.
  • Samo kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor biće kontaktirani.


Citat dana

Neznanje je neispisan papir na kojem možemo pisati, a pogrešno znanje je ispisan papir koji se prvo mora brisati.
Čarls Kaleb Kolton

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